The College’s official WordPress theme is designed to do a lot, but many sites only leverage a handful of its options. This month we’ll be delving deeper into the theme’s capabilities through our Web Community of Practice meeting on Nov. 13 and WordPress Training: Using Callouts on Nov. 20.

At the heart of both events are the use of callouts, which are aspects of the theme that let you highlight content in different ways, including:

  • highlight blocks that let you focus attention on a particular announcement, feature, or call to action
  • a feed of upcoming events
  • organized lists of web links
  • collapsable frequently asked questions blocks
  • a plethora of ways to highlight images and text

The community of practice will provide an overview of these callouts and look at websites that use them well. The workshop will provide hands-on training on how you can use these components on your own official College website.