The College Calendar was the focus of our May 2016 meeting, and during the Q&A session a number of potential bugs were mentioned. The Web team reviewed these reports; here’s what we found.

LafSync events promoted to the College Homepage weren’t displaying: We confirmed and then squashed this bug.

LafSync events not updating: Some folks reported that events were not being updated in the Calendar after being imported from LafSync. We reviewed several imported events and the revision history showed that each one had been updated based on changes in LafSync. Note that the update to the Calendar isn’t instantaneous; to improve calendar performance there is a cache that makes a copy of the calendar and serves that rather than building a new version of the page every time someone visits. It takes up to an hour for updates to the calendar to clear that cache.

Links in imported events don’t work: Community members reported that hyperlinks in events imported from LafSync are stripped out when displayed in the College Calendar. We weren’t able to confirm this because we couldn’t find any current events that had imported links. If you know of one, please add a comment on this post with a link to the event. (update 7/1/2016: Thanks to a user report we were able to find and fix this bug)

Photos don’t appear in the email version of Announcements. This is by design; there isn’t a good way to include photos in-line within the text of the announcement. We don’t include them to avoid display issues.